Monday, January 28, 2013

Millerton - More Progress to Share

Good friends make everything better.

My dear friend Emi is truly a kindred spirit. Born and raised in Romania and 13 years my junior younger, it could seem an odd paring. One of the many things we both enjoy is painting (although she prefers oils). So when Emi offered to help me paint my upstairs landing I jumped at the chance - happily agreeing to supply the wine.

Painting is fun, but with a great friend, some wine and conversation, it's off the charts!  

             Here is a BEFORE photo.                           And here is an AFTER photo.
View from the bathroom when I bought the home.
Notice the "wood" paneling
and wall-to-wall carpet.
The same view but now the walls are painted,
the beautiful hardwood is exposed.

View from bedrooms toward bathroom - north facing.

I love the upstairs landing -- I know, odd thing to love about a house. But it's so expansive and the wood is beautiful. A ton of light flows from the south facing windows. I'm looking for just the right bench, to put where the trunk is, because it truly is the perfect spot to stop, relax and read a book (or have a glass of wine). :)

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